Inspire an audience.

Speaker, Educator &
(Self-Proclaimed) Stand-up Comedian.

Looking for a podcast guest, speaker or workshop facilitator that is equal parts informative and entertaining? I am a trained public speaker with experience engaging with audiences of all sizes.

Here are some of my favourite topics to speak on:

  • This crowd-favourite is perfect for community and industry, commerce focused events. In this 45-minute presentation, I provide attendees with the tools they need to cultivate a consistent and cohesive brand presence, and tangible tips on harnessing the power of public relations.

  • Media opportunities are more accessible than ever, which is why I LOVE teaching solopreneurs, founders, and service-based business owners how to hone their personal brand and pitch themselves to the press. This topic is perfect for both keynote presentations and small group workshops, depending on the event.

  • For organizations with larger sales teams and field representatives, or marketing departments that need some inspiration, this interactive presentation is perfect for professional development sessions and corporate retreats.

  • Great for podcasts and small groups looking to motivate and inspire business owners, I love sharing my journey, my mindset and the trials I’ve faced along the way.

Looking for your next guest?

Look no further. Podcasts LOVE having Katrina as a guest on their show. She brings actionable takeaways, humour and high energy that audiences of all types will absolutely adore.


Past Experience & Future Events

  • "Katrina's expertise shines through in her comprehensive understanding of holistic marketing and public relations strategies. Her presentation was not only informative but also incredibly practical, with clear guidance on integrating the five pillars of PR into a robust marketing strategy."

    Event Coordinator, Kitsilano Business Leaders

  • "Katrina was able to fill in last minute for us and provide amazing value for all of the attendees. I highly recommend her as a speaker for any event."

    Event Coordinator, Chai ‘n Chat

  • "It was great to meet you today! Your presentation was really spot on, with some great insights that I see many brands overlook. It's really about cohesion and consistency, isn't it? You convey this so well!"

    Event Attendee, Kitsilano Business Leaders Meetup

Want to work together?

If you’re looking for a strategist, publicist or tastemaker to help bring your brand and business to life, look no further. I serve both personal and corporate brands with the services they need to cultivate and amplify an authentic brand presence.

The best way to determine if we’re a good fit for working together, is to connect with me directly at the link below. I cannot wait to meet you!